A project of the Afterschool Alliance.

The Impact of Afterschool STEM: 4-H Tech Wizards

Year Published: 2016

4-H Tech Wizards is an evidence-based afterschool mentoring program that trains youth on various technologies within a bilingual, bicultural learning environment. In this selection of evaluation data from the 2012-2013 school year, participants demonstrated gains along three major categories of youth outcomes—interest in STEM, capacity to engage in STEM, and finding value in STEM.

Program Name: 4-H Tech Wizards

Program Description: 4-H Tech Wizards is an evidence-based afterschool mentoring program that trains youth on various technologies within a bilingual, bicultural learning environment. The program is implemented through the 4-H National Mentoring Program, a partnership between the National 4-H Council and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Originating in Oregon, the program has been taken to scale nationwide.

Scope of the Evaluation: National

Program Type: Afterschool

Location: 26 states

Community Type: Rural, Urban, Suburban

Grade level: Elementary School, Middle School, High School

Program Demographics: Open to all, but focus is on Hispanic and other under-served, high-need youth. Demographics vary based on the local community.

Program Website: https://4-h.org/parents/stem-agriculture/tech-wizards

Evaluation Methods: Outcome data is collected using formal skill assessment tools; surveys; service logs; observations; and interviews with youth, mentors, staff and family members.

Evaluation Type: Non-experimental

Below is a selection of evaluation data reported by the program around three major categories of youth outcomes—interest in STEM, capacity to productively engage in STEM, and finding value in STEM. These outcomes are an excerpt from a 2016 Afterschool Alliance paper, "The Impact of Afterschool STEM: Examples from the Field."

Interest: I like to do this
  • Program attendance is high and consistent—on average, 95 percent of enrolled youth regularly attend 4-H Tech Wizard sessions and 95 percent of participants have stayed in the program for three years to complete all three skill levels.
  • Youth report that they are drawn to 4-H Tech Wizards because of the opportunities to work with cutting edge technology and the mentors.

Capacity: I can do this

  • 95 percent of 4-H Tech Wizards participants demonstrate mastery of skills in website development, video and podcast productions, GIS and GPS technologies, and LEGO robotics.

Value: This is important to me

  • 85 percent of 4-H Tech Wizards participants completed 15 hours of community service learning by teaching technology to others.
  • 70 percent of graduating 4-H Tech Wizards participants pursued post‐ high school education and careers in science, technology, engineering or math.