A project of the Afterschool Alliance.
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Illinois State Board of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program: State-Level Program Evaluation 2016-2017

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of Illinois’ 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs during the 2016-17 school year found that based on teacher surveys, a majority of students attending a program for 30 days or more saw improvements in academics,  behavior, and engagement in school. For example, teachers reported that students who were in need of improvement in the following areas improved their academic performance (elementary schoolers- 61 percent, middle/high schoolers- 70 percent), behavior in class (elementary schoolers- 53 percent, middle/high schoolers- 62 percent), motivation to learn (elementary schoolers- 52 percent, middle/high schoolers- 58 percent), and ability to get along with others (elementary schoolers- 57 percent, middle/high schoolers- 66 percent).

21st Century Community Learning Centers Program: 2016-17 State Evaluation Report (Pennsylvania)

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of Pennsylvania’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs—based on performance outcomes and teacher surveys—found that students regularly participating in the program showed academic and behavioral improvements. Teachers reported that among students regularly participating in programs and in need of improvement, 68 percent improved their academic performance and 53 percent improved their behavior in class. Among students who had two consecutive years of data from the Pennsylvania statewide assessments, more than a fifth (22 percent) improved their performance from the previous year in reading and 13 percent in math. 

Arkansas 21st Century Community Learning Centers Statewide Evaluation: 2016-2017 Annual Report

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of 21st CCLC programs in Arkansas using student, parent, and staff surveys, as well as annual performance reports, found that programs provided an environment where students felt that they were supported academically and were able to develop positive social and emotional skills. Additionally, among students who participated in 21st CCLC programs between 30-59 days, a majority either increased to or remained in the “Proficient” or “Advanced” category for the state assessment in English language and literacy (74 percent) and math (62 percent). 

Iowa 21st Century Community Learning Centers State Evaluation of Afterschool Programs 2017

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of Iowa’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs examined student behavior as well as academic gains in reading and math. On average, 43 percent of regular program participants identified as needing improvement showed improvements in reading and 37 percent improved in math. In addition, 83 percent of students improved their behavior and 81 percent improved their homework completion and class participation.

Kansas 21st Century Community Learning Centers: Statewide Program Evaluation Report 2015-2017

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of Kansas’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs during the 2016-17 program year found that—based on teacher surveys—an overwhelming majority of program participants improved, stayed the same, or did not need to change with regard to their attendance (98 percent), academics (96 percent), homework completion (95 percent), and behavior (90 percent). 

21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Evaluation: Final Report (Mississippi)

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of Mississippi’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs—based on teacher surveys—found that regular program participants (attending 30 days or more) experienced positive and statistically significant gains in academic performance and behavior. According to teacher surveys, approximately 3 in 4 regular program participants improved their grades in reading (74.8 percent) and math (75.6 percent). In addition, there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between higher levels of program participation and increased rates of student improvement in English language arts and math, as well as in behavior, classroom participation, and homework completion.

Missouri 21st Century Community Learning Centers Statewide Evaluation: 2017-2018 Annual Report

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of Missouri’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs during the 2017-18 school year examined outcomes related to participants’ academic performance, engagement, and behavior. The evaluation found that almost all 21st CCLC sites reported that at least half of their students maintained or improved their reading/communication arts, math, and science grades. Students in the programs also reported strong personal and social skills and a commitment to learning. 

Montana State Evaluation Report: 2016-17 Annual Report

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of Montana’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs examined the impact of 21st CCLC programs on student academic performance, student behaviors, and positive youth assets. Surveyed teachers reported that almost all (93.3 percent) of program participants maintained or increased their academic performance in math and reading. In addition, teachers noticed an increase in the socio-emotional skills of their students.  

New Mexico 21st Century Community Learning Centers: FY18 Evaluation Report

Year Published: 2018

A statewide evaluation of New Mexico’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs during the 2017-18 program year found that an overwhelming majority of regular program participants (attending 30 days or more) showed improvements in their school behavior. According to teachers surveyed, 91 percent of regular program participants improved in classroom behavior, while 88 percent improved in homework and class participation. Regular program participants also demonstrated academic gains, with roughly half of students (51 percent) earning a below passing grade in math and reading during the first grading period raising their grades before the end of term.  

Afterschool & STEM: System-Building Evaluation 2016

Year Published: 2017

A total of 1,599 students participating in afterschool programs with a STEM focus in grades 4-12 from 11 states completed retrospective self-report surveys measuring STEM-related attitudes and 21st century skills. Facilitators completed a survey about their experiences leading afterschool STEM, and the programs’ STEM activities were observed and evaluated to establish levels of quality. The evaluation found that students that participated in STEM-focused afterschool programs led to positive changes in students’ attitudes toward science, STEM interest, STEM identity, STEM career interest, career knowledge, 21st century skills, and critical thinking. Larger effects were seen in students who participated in programs for a minimum of four weeks. Higher quality STEM programs reported more positive gains than lower quality programs.

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